Me and my friends, Thunderclaw and Icestone, made a website about warriors!! Warriors is a book series about cats who live in clans and fight against other clans for prey and territory. Our website will tell you your warrior name and will have a fun blog!! Please check it out to learn more about warriors. There are more books by the same author, Erin Hunter, about bears called Seekers, and about dogs, called Survivors. There are four clans, Thunderclan, Windclan, Shadowclan, and Riverclan. They all fight for their territories and prey so other clans won't steal them. Also, if you like Minecraft and Warriors, there is a warriors server. The ip is: play.gameplayerhd.com                                                                  
Firestar, the owner of the server, will send you an invite to the Stormclan camp. You can go there and use your warrior name and play around. We will have some cool facts later on our website telling about it!! Please to our website! Website adress: mtawarriors.weebly.com

How much do you know about perimeter?
Test yourself on this!!! If each side of a regular heptagon is 12cm, what is the perimeter?

Today, March 12, 2013, was the Titans got Talent!! There were some amazing dancers,
pianists, and singers that pereformed. I didn't
participate in it but I saw one of my classmates sing while playing the music for the song with a cup. Her name is Hello KItty
and I just want to say that she was amazing!
The three girls who helped in the talent show were littlemisssunshine,
Rainbow Dash and their friend who introduced the performers. My classmates did great in the talent show and were amazing.

What do you think is better.....................
minecraft or lego?
I think minecraft is better because with lego your fingers hurt after a while and peices easily fall apart sometimes. With minecraft nothing falls apart exept sand and gravel. To hurt stuff in minecraft you just left click. In lego, you have to actually move the arm and stick the tool into the hand. In minecraft you can eat stuff and get hurt. You can't in lego. Also with lego, you just grab blocks from a bin but in minecraft you have to break things. That is why I think minecraft is better than lego.

I am bored so I'm going to ask you: What is your favourite thing to do in the whole entire world????
When I am writing this blog, my sister is sitting in my room where I am and she is annoying me so much like deleting what I wrote and scribbling her hands all over the keyboard and saying: "Write on the blog I like cheese."  I have to hold her back while I'm typing this. Are your brothers or sisters as annoying as this?
She is going to break my laptop soon. Do your brothers and sisters try and break your devices?(I just screamed at her for her to go away) WARNING: Beware of sister if you come to my place.

 My Birthday was a week ago! =D
When are your guy's birthday's?(please answer in comments) My birthday was February 24.
I can't wait until March because the amount of days go down until spring break. Also, what are you going to do on spring break?

Today, my class finished the book Wonder.
I really liked that book, so I'm sad we're done reading it. I don't really have a favourite part because I liked the whole thing. Actually, my favourite part was when August came back from camp and his dad was coming home with Olivia and they bought a new dog! Bear sounded really cute. (the dog) One of my other favourite parts are when Auggie and Jack made friends with Amis, Myles, and Henry. I'm glad Julian is going to a different school. Auggie and Jack won't have to worry about him anymore. We were supposed to find a precept that we liked. Mine is: "A life spent making mistakes is not only honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing." - George Bernard Shaw

What do you like of each of these things?

  • video games(what game?)
  • food(what kind?)
  • school subject
  • cat(tabby, plain..)
  • book(who is the author?)
  • weather

Doesn't that kitten look

My New Year's Resolutions

1. I will try and stop fighting with my brother and sister so much. While we're playing, and one of them wants one way and I want the other, I'll just let them have it their way.

2. I will try to practice math at home when I have time like when I don't have homework. I got multiplication practice cards last year, so I will use those. In a few months, if I keep practicing I think I will get really good at it.

Those are my New Year's Resolutions. I hope I will remember to use them.

I can't believe it's school again! For Christmas, I got everything I wanted. I got a art kit that comes with pencil crayons, 2 earasers, pastels and pencils. I got a book called The Underneath that I'm going to share about at school. For New Year's Day, I went to my cousin's house and stayed up until midnight. We also went skiing for the first time ever. We went again a few days later.
Now, I don't want to go back to school. I had a lot of fun at home over the holidays. I've been reading and drawing. It's going to feel weird going back to school, with our desks changed and new stuff to learn about.