Today, March 12, 2013, was the Titans got Talent!! There were some amazing dancers,
pianists, and singers that pereformed. I didn't
participate in it but I saw one of my classmates sing while playing the music for the song with a cup. Her name is Hello KItty
and I just want to say that she was amazing!
The three girls who helped in the talent show were littlemisssunshine,
Rainbow Dash and their friend who introduced the performers. My classmates did great in the talent show and were amazing.

What do you think is better.....................
minecraft or lego?
I think minecraft is better because with lego your fingers hurt after a while and peices easily fall apart sometimes. With minecraft nothing falls apart exept sand and gravel. To hurt stuff in minecraft you just left click. In lego, you have to actually move the arm and stick the tool into the hand. In minecraft you can eat stuff and get hurt. You can't in lego. Also with lego, you just grab blocks from a bin but in minecraft you have to break things. That is why I think minecraft is better than lego.

I am bored so I'm going to ask you: What is your favourite thing to do in the whole entire world????
When I am writing this blog, my sister is sitting in my room where I am and she is annoying me so much like deleting what I wrote and scribbling her hands all over the keyboard and saying: "Write on the blog I like cheese."  I have to hold her back while I'm typing this. Are your brothers or sisters as annoying as this?
She is going to break my laptop soon. Do your brothers and sisters try and break your devices?(I just screamed at her for her to go away) WARNING: Beware of sister if you come to my place.