I don't like rain. You get all soaked and cold when it rains and my cat doesn't want to go outside. I heard it's going to rain on Halloween but I hope it won't. I can't wait for Halloween and candy!
Colourful candy!

For science, I have learned about the 5 kingdoms. Fungi, Plantae, Monera, (I forgot the other one but I will fix it later) and Animalia. Fungi: fungus Plantae: plants & trees Monera: bacteria Animalia: animals. To me, understanding the kingdoms are hard. For math, we have been learning fractions, wich are really easy. In language arts, we are reading the book: The One And Only Ivan. If you search up kidblog and go to Ms.Findlay's class, you will find more about the book. That is pretty much all I am learning about right now.