My New Year's Resolutions

1. I will try and stop fighting with my brother and sister so much. While we're playing, and one of them wants one way and I want the other, I'll just let them have it their way.

2. I will try to practice math at home when I have time like when I don't have homework. I got multiplication practice cards last year, so I will use those. In a few months, if I keep practicing I think I will get really good at it.

Those are my New Year's Resolutions. I hope I will remember to use them.

1/13/2013 02:05:49 am

We definitley have the same first New Year Resolution ! At the last part when you said 'I hope I will remember to use them' I laughed because that is something I definitley need to do, I always forget to actually use my resolutions. :) I like your blog posts because they are very detailed and always grammatically correct, so their fun to read.

1/28/2013 10:20:58 am

Thank you! Ya I usually don't remember to use them. I want to see your website!

2/1/2013 08:37:56 am

Hi HawkFire!!!! it is your bestie, IceStone! If you go to my website, I have a different name: NooNoo. I know that that sounds kind of weird. you should go there though!


Hey! Maybe I can change my name to IceStone on my website! I will ask Mr. Hong!


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