Me and my friends, Thunderclaw and Icestone, made a website about warriors!! Warriors is a book series about cats who live in clans and fight against other clans for prey and territory. Our website will tell you your warrior name and will have a fun blog!! Please check it out to learn more about warriors. There are more books by the same author, Erin Hunter, about bears called Seekers, and about dogs, called Survivors. There are four clans, Thunderclan, Windclan, Shadowclan, and Riverclan. They all fight for their territories and prey so other clans won't steal them. Also, if you like Minecraft and Warriors, there is a warriors server. The ip is: play.gameplayerhd.com                                                                  
Firestar, the owner of the server, will send you an invite to the Stormclan camp. You can go there and use your warrior name and play around. We will have some cool facts later on our website telling about it!! Please to our website! Website adress: mtawarriors.weebly.com

8/19/2013 09:33:56 am

Hello Hawkfire!!!!! Yes, everyone please go to our website! Or we will ambush you with tooth and claw!!! :)


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